QR Payment Platform

SCT’s Smart QR Network is a first interoperable payment system infrastructure created and developed in Nepal for the Nepalese consumers to satisfy the expectations and needs of our consumers, banks, payment service providers, merchant eco-systems, and other domestic digital platforms. Smart QR is a Quick Response Code (QRC) based digital payment platform that seamlessly connects various Digital Wallets, Banks & Financial Institutions, Merchants and Mobile Banking users in a cross compatible digital payment ecosystem.

Card Services

The Card services offered by SCT remains its legacy business through having experience of over 20 years managing card issuance, card management, personalization, terminal management, transaction acquiring and interconnecting different payment associations in the nation. SCT had previously integrated almost all banks into its proprietary domestic card scheme under the same name.

OMNI Channel Solution

SmartBanking, is an innovative omni-channel banking solution introduced by SCT that is built to provide a banking experience second to none for our own Nepalese consumers. It helps banks and financial institutions eliminate the silos from the digital banking experience and essentially cover all channels for banking sectors from one single platform.